Citation grouping - WH (Heer) - 168.Inf.Div. - Helsper Citation grouping - WH (Heer) - 168.Inf.Div. - Helsper Citation grouping - WH (Heer) - 168.Inf.Div. - Helsper Citation grouping - WH (Heer) - 168.Inf.Div. - Helsper Citation grouping - WH (Heer) - 168.Inf.Div. - Helsper

Citation grouping - WH (Heer) - 168.Inf.Div. - Helsper

Citation grouping of "Gefreiter" Paul Helsper who served within Div.Füs.Btl.(A.A.)168 of 168.Inf.Div.

1) BWB citation which shows the Feldpostnr.26478 C (Inf.Rgt.442)

2) EK II citation which has been signed by "Generalleutnant" Werner Schmidt-Hammer (DKiG 11-3-1943,Ehrenblattspange 25-3-1944, RK 1-9-1944)

3) Attractive "Ïnfanterie-Sturmabzeichen in Silber" citation which has been signed by the commanding officer.

4) SWB citation which has been signed by the commanding officer.

Helsper served by then within Gren.Rgt.37 of the 6. Volks-Grenadier-Division!!

5) Rarely seen "Grabenausweis"!!! of Helsper as he served within 6. Volks-Grenadier-Division.

I,ve never seen a "Grabenausweis" of this date!

The "Grabenausweis" should give some profit at certain occasions (transport,cinema etc.) due to the fact the holder had proved himself at the front.

Whether this was of any use by then (9-4-1945)?

Code: 54738