Grouping Dutch worker later NBS-Amsterdam-Leithuyser Grouping Dutch worker later NBS-Amsterdam-Leithuyser Grouping Dutch worker later NBS-Amsterdam-Leithuyser Grouping Dutch worker later NBS-Amsterdam-Leithuyser Grouping Dutch worker later NBS-Amsterdam-Leithuyser Grouping Dutch worker later NBS-Amsterdam-Leithuyser Grouping Dutch worker later NBS-Amsterdam-Leithuyser Grouping Dutch worker later NBS-Amsterdam-Leithuyser

Grouping Dutch worker later NBS-Amsterdam-Leithuyser

Grouping concerning J.F.Leithuyser who worked for the powerplant in Amsterdam during the German occupation.
The documents state that Leithuyser is neccesary for the power station and for that reason not available for any other work.
The last document states that Leithuyser was a member of the "Nederlandsche Binnennlandsche Strijdkrachten"the NBS.
This document is signed by it,s commander ,De Graef.
Interesting grouping!

Code: 50411

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