Wehrpass/citation grouping - WH (Heer) - 3.Pz.Gren.Div. - Modszin
Wehrpass and citation grouping of "Unteroffizier" Karl Modszin who served (among others) within Gren.Rgt.8 (mot) of the 3.Pz.Gren.Div.
It looks like Modszin served latest within Flammenwerfer Komp.Gren.Btl.8 which is possible as Modszin attended a pioneer course.
Modszin was awarded the "Sudetenerinnerungs Medaille" ,the BWB ,the EK II ,the "Infanterie-Sturmabzeich... read more
395.00 EUR
Citation - WH (Heer) - 79.Inf.Div. - Conrad
EK II citation of "Feldwebel" Conrad who served within Inf.Rgt.208 of the 79.Inf.Div.
The document has been signed by "Generalmajor" and divisional commanderKarl Strecker (RK 26-10-1941)
Strecker was taken POW in Stalingrad and just returned home in 1955 read more
95.00 EUR
Soldbuch - WH (Heer) - Kriegslazarett 1/509 - Oslo - Ruef
Soldbuch of "Sanitäts Feldwebel" Johann Ruef who served within Kriegslazarett 1/509 in Oslo (Norway)
Ruef was awarded the KvK II m.Schw. and the "Ostmedaille" (handed-out by "Divisions Artzt" of the 268.Inf.Div.)
On page 21 is an interesting entry: "Wegen französischer Gefangenschaft konnte der Wehrsold nür bis 20-8-1944 gezahlt worden" (due to french captivity its... read more
"Reisepass" (travel pass) - Greece - Lehmann
Packed "Reisepass" (travel pass) of " Diakonisse" (evangelist municipality sister) Charlotte Lehmann who lived in Athens
This unusual pass comes with 8 different "Lebensmittelkarten" (food product cards) issued by the "Diplomatisches Korps" (CD) read more
145.00 EUR
Citation - WH (Heer) - 9.Inf.Div. - Schneider
Attractive "Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1-10-1938" citation of "Gefreiten" Fritz Schneider who served within Inf.Rgt.57 of the 9.Inf.Div.
The document has been signed by "Oberst" and regimental commander Werner Sanne (DKiG 19-12-1941,RK 22-2-1942)
Sanne (finally "Generalmajor" and divisional commander of the 100.Jäger Div.) was taken POW in Stalingrad on 30-1-19... read more
75.00 EUR
NSKK - I.D. set - Kraus
Unusual NSKK I.D. set of Marie Kraus who served within the "Motorgruppe Wien" (Vienna)
1) "Führerschein" (drivers-license) of Kraus while being active at "Motorgruppe Wien" (Vienna)
2) "Betriebsberechtigungsschein" (operating license) to drive a "Holz und Anthrazitgas" (wood and coal gas) generated vehicle
The license has been signed by "Brigadeführe... read more
120.00 EUR
Wehrpass - WH (Heer) - 68.Inf.Div. - Güsloff
Wehrpass of "Gefreiten" Gerhard Güsloff who served within few units ,the last unit Güsloff served in was: Inf.Pz.Jg.Ers.Komp.68 of the 68.Inf.Div. under command of the I Panzerarmee
Güsloff was trained with Pak.3,7 cm and 5 cm.
Güsloff was awarded the "Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen" ,the SWB and the EK II
Güsloff was discharged of active service on 30-10... read more
130.00 EUR
NSFK "Flugbuch" (flight book) - Oltmanns
NSFK "Flugbuch" (flight book) of Fritz Oltmanns read more
35.00 EUR
Citation - Luftwaffe - Hirschfeld
"Fliegerschützen mit Blitzbündel" citation of "Obergefreiten" Artur Hirschfeld who served within the "Luftwaffe"
The citation bears the stamped signature of "Generaloberst" Bruno Loerzer read more
145.00 EUR
Soldbuch - KM/Heer - 15.Inf.Div. - Koppitz
Soldbuch of "Obergefreiter Charles Koppitz who served first within few KM coastal defence units in the Netherlands: Mar.Art.Abt.205 (southern Holland) and 201 (Den Helder/Wijk aan Zee)
Interesting to seen that his entry photo has been replaced by an army one as he was replaced to Gren.Rgt.106 (see shoulder strap nr.) of the 15.Inf.Div.
Koppitz was awarded the BWB
195.00 EUR