1825 items found

"Bade-Ausflugschein" - "SS-Grenzüberwachung" - Graeve

"Bade-Ausflugschein" (swimming permission) for Hildegard Graeve which was handed-out by "SS-Grenzüberwachung" (border control) Abschnitt Kufstein-Mittenwald  read more

Code: 56595

50.00 EUR

Wehrpass -  WH (Heer) - General Kommando XXIII A.K. -  Heiermann

Wehrpass - WH (Heer) - General Kommando XXIII A.K. - Heiermann

Wehrpass of "Stabsgefreiten" Gerhard Heiermann who served finally within General Kommando XXIII Armee Korps

Heiermann was awarded the "Ostmedaille" ,the KvK II m.Schw. and the "Kraftfahrbewährungsabzeichen in Bronze" for his efforts

The Wehrpass has a nice and rather unusual battlelist  read more

Code: 56594


Citation set -  WH (Heer) -  Feldlazarett 676 - Lelaut

Citation set - WH (Heer) - Feldlazarett 676 - Lelaut

Citation set of "Gefreiten" Walter Lelaut who served within Feldlazarett 676 under command of the 17.Armee

1) Very attractive KvK II m.Schw. citation which has been signed on behalf of "Generaloberst und Oberbefehlshaber der 17.Armee" Richard Ruoff by his "Adjutant" in the rank of "Oberst" Harald von Lewinski

2) "Ostmedaille" citation which has been signed by "Obe...  read more

Code: 56593

125.00 EUR

Soldbuch  WH (Heer) - 25.Inf.Div. - Krüger

Soldbuch WH (Heer) - 25.Inf.Div. - Krüger

Soldbuch of "Kanonier" Walter Krüger who served within Art.Rgt.61 of the 25.Inf.Div. and later within XXVI.Armeekorps ,LVI.Armeekorps and LVI.Armeekorps

Krüger was wounded in November 1941 and discharged of service

Krüger was awarded the BWB

Middle pages loose but complete.  read more

Code: 56592

85.00 EUR

"Waffen-SS" - citation set - 6.SS-Geb.Div. "Nord" - Hannemann

"Waffen-SS" citation set of "SS-Oberscharführer" Ernst Hannemann who served within "SS-Kraftfahrpark" (transport unit) of the 6.SS-Geb.Div. "Nord"

1) "Ausweis" (I.D.) of Hannemann who had his "Mitgliedskarte" (membershipcard) transferred from Kiel to Munich in 1933.

2) "Deutsches Reichs-Sportabzeichen" (Bronze) citation/booklet of Hannemann who served by then with...  read more

Code: 56591

540.00 EUR

HY -

HY - "Ausweis" (I.D.) -1937 - Bremen

1) HY "Ausweis" (I.D.) of Fritz Knüppel who served within the HY and who took part in the 2."Gebietsaufmarsch" (march) and 4."Kampfspiele" (combat games) in 1937

2) Invitation for the "Gefolgschaftsschiesswettkampf" (shooting contest)  read more

Code: 56590


"Polizei-Dienstpass"/ "Dienstausweis" - Staatliche Polizei Verwaltung Linz - Buchböck

"Polizei-Dienstpass" and "Dienstausweis" of "Revieroberwachtmeister der Schützpolizei der Reserve" Johan Buchböck who served within the Staatliche Polizei Verwaltung Linz

1) "Polizei-Dienstpass" of Buchböck

2) "Dienstausweis" of Buchböck  read more

Code: 56589


Citation grouping - WH (Heer) - 227.Inf.Div. - Adolphs

Citation grouping - WH (Heer) - 227.Inf.Div. - Adolphs

Citation grouping of "Obergefreiten" Heinrich Adolphs who served within Inf.Rgt.412 of the 227.Inf.Div.

1) Ostmedaille" citation which has been signed by "Oberleutnant" and company commander ?

2) Very nice BWB citation which has been issued at Reserve Lazarett Bialystok and which has been signed by "Oberstabarzt" Dr.Prost

3) "Infanterie-Sturmabzeiche...  read more

Code: 56588

240.00 EUR


O.T. "Baustab Speer" Dienstbuch (servicebook) /Wehrpass - Stiehler

1) Wehrpass of Stiehler with few entries.
The Wehrpass comes with a "Military Government of Germany" temporay registration form which has been printed on the back of a map due to paper scarcity!

2)Not often seen O.T. "Baustab Speer" Dienstbuch (servicebook) and Wehrpass of "Trüppführer" Arthur Stiehler who served within Russia and Germany for the company Fütterer-Klomp at ...  read more

Code: 56587


Citation - KM - 1.Sicherungs Div. - Friedebold

Citation - KM - 1.Sicherungs Div. - Friedebold

Very attractive "Minensuchabzeichen" citation of "Signalgefreiten" Friedrich Friedebold who served under command of the 1.Sicherungs Div. (North Sea)

The document has been signed by "Kapitän zur See und Führer der 1 Sich.Div." Heinrich Bramesfeld (DKiG 12-2-1942 ,RK 21-1-1943)!!

This great citation has been slightly cut at the bottom.  read more

Code: 56586

150.00 EUR