Award document grouping WH (Heer) - 72.Inf.Div.- Mohr
Award document grouping of "Obergefreiten" Paul Mohr who served within Gren.Rgt.124 of the 72.Inf.Div.
1) BWB award document as Mohr served within the "Panzer Jäger" company of Inf.Rgt.124.
What makes this document special is that it has been issued "Auf der Krim" (Crimnea peninsula) signed by his company commander.
2) "Ostmedaille" award document to "Unteroffizier" Mohr and signed by his company commander.
3) KvK II m. Schw.award document dated 30-1-1943 and signed by "Generalleutnant" and commander of the 72.Inf.Div.Philipp Müller-Gebhard (RK 3-9-1942)
Note this is a special divisional "Vordrück" (print).
4)"Vorläufiges Bezitszeugnis" (provisionally award document) of the "Kraftfahrbewährungsabzeichen in Silber" dated 30-6-1943 and signed by the regimental commander Oberstleutnant Kurt Hummel (RK 15-5-1944).
5) EK II award document dated 4-11-1943 and signed by Oberst" Hermann Hohn (RK 28-11-1943 ,EL 1-3-1944 , Schw. 31-10-1944).
6)Promotion letter to 'Feldwebel'.
7) "Todesurkunde" (deathcertificate) of "Feldwebel" Mohr dated 21-6-1944 and signed by a "Hauptmann" and regimental commander.
Unfortunately someone tried his scissors on this document.
Interesting grouping!
Code: 51965
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