Award document grouping WH/Luftwaffe - Award document grouping WH/Luftwaffe - Award document grouping WH/Luftwaffe - Award document grouping WH/Luftwaffe - Award document grouping WH/Luftwaffe - Award document grouping WH/Luftwaffe - Award document grouping WH/Luftwaffe -

Award document grouping WH/Luftwaffe - "Jagdgeschwader Richthofen Nr.2" - Schönsee

Interesting grouping of "Unteroffizier" Walter Schönsee who served within "Jagdgeschwader Richthofen Nr.2".

With this famous "Jagdgeschwader " Schönsee contributed as a member of the "Fliegertechnisches Personal" (aviator technical staff ) in the attacks on Britain as they were stationed in Beaumont-le-Roger (France).

1) Promotion document as Schönsee was promoted from "Unteroffizier" to "Feldwebel".

The document is signed by "Oberleutnant" and unit commander Erich Leie (RK 1-8-1941).

2) Unusual award document "Goldkordel als Umrandung des Ärmeltätigkeitsabzeichens" (goldbordered specialists award) for special efforts with the technical aviation staff.

The document is signed by "Generalfeldmarschall" and "Chef der Luftflotte 3 und Befehlshaber West" ( supreme commander of airfleet 3 in the west) Hugo Sperrle (RK 17-5-1940).

3) Magnificent goldbordered emblem to the award document.

4) Some pictures of Schönsee.

5) "DRL" award booklet with "Bevo" badge.

Great grouping!

Code: 51994