Single award document (Heer) -  294.Inf.Div. - Höschle  Single award document (Heer) -  294.Inf.Div. - Höschle

Single award document (Heer) - 294.Inf.Div. - Höschle

EK II award document of "Obergefreiten" Alois Höschle who served within Stabsbttr.A.R.125 of the 125.Inf.Div.

The document has been signed by "Generalleutnant" and commander of the 294.Inf.Div.Johannes BLock (RK 22-12-1941 ,EL 22-11-1943)

Block was KIA in the so-called "Baranow-Brückenkopf" (Poland) on 26-1-1945.

The back of the award document has written-on:"Angrif Nowo Serschewkij 28-11-1943 , erhalten 14-12 -1943 Gegenangriff auf Einbrüchstelle" (Attack Nowo Serschewkij 28-11-1943,awarded 14-12-1943 ,Counterattack on point of penetration).

Great EK II award document!

Code: 52868

135.00 EUR