Wehrpaß - WH (Heer) - 23.Pz.Div. - Sommer
"Zweitschrift" (second edition) as the first edition "dürch Feindeinwirkung verloren ging" (lost , due to enemy influence) Wehrpaß of "Unteroffizier" Willi Sommer who served mainly within the 23.Pz.Div.
Sommer was awarded the KvK II m,Schw , the EK II , the "Kraftfahrbewährungsabzeichen in Bronze" , the "Panzerkampfabzeichen in Bronze" and the "Nahkampfspange in Bronze" for his efforts during the fightings in France , Russia and Hungary.
The Wehrpaß shows 4 pages of battles with some interesting entries (especially of the Hungary 1945 period)
This interesting Wehrpaß comes with somenice related documents!
Code: 52988
245.00 EUR