Award document grouping WH (Heer) - 15.Inf.Div./116.Pz.Gren.Div. - Hess
Award document grouping of "Obergefreiten" Josef Hess who seved within the 15.Inf.Div. and the 116.Pz.Gren.Div.
1) BWB award document of Hess as he served within Inf.Rgt.88.
The document has been signed by the batallion commander.
2) BWB award document which has been issued at "Reseerve Lazarett-Muskau".
3) SWB award document which has been issued at Rheine (Germany) and has been signed by the commanding officer.
4) KvK II m.Schw. award document which has been issued as Hess served within the 16.Pz.Gren.Div.
The document has beensigned by "Generalleutnant" Graf Gerhard von Schwerin (RK 17-1-1942, EL 17-5-1943, Schw.4-11-1943)
5) Interesting "Fahrbefehl" (operation command) with nice details like:LKW Citroën (Lastkraftwagen of lorry) ,Hiwi (Hilfswillige or voluntary helper) Boris etc.
On the back it says: "Die Fahrt ist Kriegswichtig und kann wegen Dringlichkeit mit Bahn oder Fuhrwerk nicht ausgeführt werden .
Sie wird ausgeführt auf Befehl des Generals der Panzertruppen West und dient zür Neuaufstellung"( there is no other possibility of transport because of urgency.
It is ordered by the "General der Panzertruppen West" to reconfiguration (unit)"
6) Comes with some accompanying documents.
Code: 53159
245.00 EUR