Soldbuch /dogtag WH (Heer) - "Nebelwerfer" - Stolzenhoff
Soldbuch and "Erkennungsmarke"(dogtag) of "Stabsgefreiter" Helmuth Stolzenhoff who served within several transport units before he ended-up within Werfer-Ers.-u.Ausb.Abt.7.
Stolzenhoff was awarded the "Ostmedaille" and the KvK II m.Schw.for his efforts during his service in Russia and Rumania.
Comes with the "Erkennungsmarke"(dogtag) of Stolzenhoff and some related documents.
Werfer-Ers.-u.Ausb.Abt.7.was a completement unit for some interesting units!!
Code: 53350