"Werkstattdienstbuch" (workshop recordbook) /attest - NSFK - Ertmer-
"Werkstattdienstbuch" (workshop recordbook) and "Bescheinigung" (attest) of Walter Ertmer who served within NSFK-Gruppe 9 .
Ertmer was a technical educated youngman who served within the "Nationalsocialishtisches Fliegerkorps".
1) "Werkstattdienstbuch" (workshop recordbook)
2) "Bescheinigung" (attest) which permitted Ertmer to wear the "A-Gleitflieger Abzeichen" (glider award A)
3) Front cover and first 2 pages of Ertmers "Flufbuch" (flightrecord book)
Code: 53365
75.00 EUR