Soldbuch / I.D. disk WH (Heer) - 5.Pz.Div. - Kierst
Soldbuch and "Erkennungsmarke" (I.D. disk) of "Obergefreiter" Heinz Kierst who served within Panzer Pionier Btl.89 of the 5.Pz.Div.
Kierst was awarded the EK II ,the BWB ,the "Sturmabzeichen" ,the "Nahkampfspange I Stüfe" and the SWB for his efforts during the fightings in Russia ,Courland and Eastern Prussia.
Nice aluminium "Erkennungsmarke" (I.D. disk) of Kierst!
Well used and somewhat restored (professionally) battle hardened Soldbuch!!
Code: 53679
345.00 EUR