Citation set WH (Heer) - schw.Art.Abt. 637 - Seyfferth Citation set WH (Heer) - schw.Art.Abt. 637 - Seyfferth

Citation set WH (Heer) - schw.Art.Abt. 637 - Seyfferth

Citation set of "Obergefreiten" Gottfried Seyfferth who served within Stabsbatterie schw.Art.Abt.(mot) 637

This unit was equipped with 21 cm "Mörser"

1) "Ostmedaille" citation which has been signed by the unit commander.

2) KvK II m.Schw. citation which has been signed by "Generalleutnant" and commander of the XXXIX Pz.Korps Robert Martinek (RK 26-12-1941, DKiG 21-3-1943 ,EL 10-2-1944)

Martinek was KIA on 28-6-1944 at Beresina!!!

Code: 53701

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