Citation grouping WH (Heer) - 296.Inf.Div. - Pfennigstorf Citation grouping WH (Heer) - 296.Inf.Div. - Pfennigstorf Citation grouping WH (Heer) - 296.Inf.Div. - Pfennigstorf

Citation grouping WH (Heer) - 296.Inf.Div. - Pfennigstorf

Citation grouping of "Oberleutnant" Wilhelm Pfennigstorf who served within Fahtkolonne 296 of the 296.Inf.Div.

1) KvK II m.Schw.citation which has been signed by "Generalmajor" and divisional commander Wilhelm Stemmermann (RK 7-2-1944,EL 18-2-1944 posthumously)

Stemmermann was KIA near Tscherkassy on 18-2-1944.

2) EK II citation which has been signed by "Generalleutnant" Friedrich Krischer Edler von Wehregg

3) "Ostmedaille" citation which has been signed by the commanding officer.

4) KvK I m.Schw.!!!! citation which has been signed by "Generalmajor" and divisional commander Arthur Kullmer (RK 27-10-1943,EL 28-2-1945)

Kullmer died in russian captivity in 1953.

Citation have probably been exposed in daylight for certain period as they are somewhat faded.

Code: 53703

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