Citation grouping WH (Heer) - 61.Inf.Div. / 383.Inf.Div. - Tellermann Citation grouping WH (Heer) - 61.Inf.Div. / 383.Inf.Div. - Tellermann Citation grouping WH (Heer) - 61.Inf.Div. / 383.Inf.Div. - Tellermann Citation grouping WH (Heer) - 61.Inf.Div. / 383.Inf.Div. - Tellermann Citation grouping WH (Heer) - 61.Inf.Div. / 383.Inf.Div. - Tellermann Citation grouping WH (Heer) - 61.Inf.Div. / 383.Inf.Div. - Tellermann

Citation grouping WH (Heer) - 61.Inf.Div. / 383.Inf.Div. - Tellermann

Citation grouping of "Unteroffizier" Franz Tellermann who served within Inf.Rgtr.151 of the 61.Inf.Div. and Gren.Rgt.531 of the 383.Inf.Div.

1) "Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen" citation which has been issued "Im Felde" (in the field) and which has been signed by the regimenntal commander.

2) BWB citation which has been issued at "Marinelazarett Riga" (Latvia)

3) Second BWB citation for the same injury.

4) EK II citation which has been signed by "Generalmajor" and commander of the 383.Inf.Div. Wilhelm John.

5) SWB citation which has been issued at "Reserve-Lazarett" Breslau.

7) Postcard photo of Tellermann and wife.

8) Postcard photo of Tellermann.

I can not garantee the authenticity of the document photo 4!?!
Therefore accordingly priced!

Code: 53813

260.00 EUR