Citation grouping WH (Heer) - 113./271.Inf.Div.- Normandy - Löffler Citation grouping WH (Heer) - 113./271.Inf.Div.- Normandy - Löffler Citation grouping WH (Heer) - 113./271.Inf.Div.- Normandy - Löffler Citation grouping WH (Heer) - 113./271.Inf.Div.- Normandy - Löffler Citation grouping WH (Heer) - 113./271.Inf.Div.- Normandy - Löffler

Citation grouping WH (Heer) - 113./271.Inf.Div.- Normandy - Löffler

Citation grouping of "Unteroffizier" Karl Löffler who served within several different units.

1) "Deutsche Schutzwall-Ehrenzeichen" citation of Löffler while he served within the RAD.

2) EK II citation of Löffler as he served within the 113.Inf.Div.

The document has been signed by "Generalleutnant" and divisional commander Friedrich Zickwolff (RK-2-6-1942)

Zickwollf died of wounds on 17-9-1943 after being wounded by partisans!

3) "Ostmedaille" citation which has been signed by the commanding officer.

4) Löffler served by then within Gren.Rgt.979 of the 271.Inf.Div. which has been destroyed in the "Falaise Cauldron"

The EK I citation has been signed by "SS-Oberführer" and divisional commander of the 10.SS-Pz.Div. "Frundsberg" Heinz Harmel (RK 31-3-1943, EL 7-9-1943, Schw.15-12-1944) !!!!!

I suppose ,Löffler himself removed the SS runes as he did not want ed to be associated with the Waffen-SS
He forgot the stamp one!!

Löffler wrote with pencil:"persónlich erhalten durch General Dannhauseram 2-8-1944.Urkunde nachgereichtdurch SS,siehe Datum" (issued by general Dannhauser in person on 2-8-,44.Citation issued by SS ,see date)

Great and interesting D-Day citation anyway!!

5) Comes with some photos of Löffler.

Code: 54058
