Citation grouping - Luftwaffe - Flak Rgt.14 - Daffner Citation grouping - Luftwaffe - Flak Rgt.14 - Daffner Citation grouping - Luftwaffe - Flak Rgt.14 - Daffner Citation grouping - Luftwaffe - Flak Rgt.14 - Daffner Citation grouping - Luftwaffe - Flak Rgt.14 - Daffner Citation grouping - Luftwaffe - Flak Rgt.14 - Daffner Citation grouping - Luftwaffe - Flak Rgt.14 - Daffner

Citation grouping - Luftwaffe - Flak Rgt.14 - Daffner

Extended and interesting citation grouping of "Leutnant" Günther Daffner who served within Flak Rgt.14 ( which was added to the army forces during the "Wstfeldzug" in 1940.

1) Attractive "Erinnerungsmedaille 1-10-1938" citation which has been signed by the commanding officer.

2) EK II citation which has been issued during the "Westfeldzug" and which has been signed by "Kommandeur der Luftwaffe bei der Heeresgruppe "B" in the rank of "Generalleutnant"Hellmuth Bieneck (DKiG 26-7-1943)

3) "Kampfabzeichen der Flakartillerie" citation to 'Wachtmeister' Daffner which has been signed by the commanding officer.

4) EK I citation which has been signed by "General der Flieger" Otto Dessloch (RK 24-6-1940, EL 10-5-1944)

5) Promotion citation to "Wachtmeister".

6) "Ernennungsurkunde" (promotion citation) to "Leutnant" rank.

7) "Ostmedaille" citation which has been signed by the commanding officer.

8) "Erdkampfabzeichen der Luftwaffe" citation
which has been signed by the "Kommandeur der 6.Flakdivison" Job Odebrecht (DKiG 20-10-1942,RK 5-9-1944)

9) "Krimschild" citation which bears the stamped signature of "GFM" Erich von Mannstein

10) Preliminary "Besitzzeugnis" (citation) of the "Kreuzug gegen den Kommunismus" medail.

11) Statement concerning the "Sturmangriffe" (assaults) of the units involved and the recommendation to decorate the involved men! (Daffner is mentioned)

12) Statement concerning the actions of Daffners unit involved.

13) "Sonderbefehl" concerning the "Kriegsbeute" (spoils of war) during the heavy fightings at Kertsch.

14) This real interesting Flak grouping comes with some cards,pictures,"Ahnenpass" etc.

Great and complete grouping of a brave "Flak" veteran officer!

Code: 54109

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