Soldbuch WH (Heer) 16.Pz.Div. - Müller
Soldbuch of "Gefreiter" Hans Müller who served within Pz.Gren.Rgt.64 of the 16.Pz.Div.
This is a "Zweitschrift" issue due to the los of his first issue.
Müller has been engaged in heavy fightings as he was awarded the "Panzerkampfabzeichen in bronze" (panzergrenadier) EK II,BWB and last but not least the EK I.
These awards were obtained during the fierce fightings around Tscherkassy,Tarnopol,Cholm,the Hube Kessel and Weichsel area.
Never had a picture added.
Great complete (2 loose pages) Soldbuch of a brave "Panzergrenadier" .
Code: 54294
185.00 EUR