Soldbuch WH (Heer) - Kraftwagen-Transport-Abteilung 618 - Ott
"Zweitschrift" Soldbuch of "Obergefreiten" Willy Ott who served within Kraftwagen-Transport-Abteilung 618 as a "Kraftfahrer"(truckdriver).
With this unit Ott participated in fightings in Russia and Poland.
The importance of "Kraftfahrer" (truckdriver) is probably underestimated.
Ott was awarded the "Ostmedaille", the "Kraftfahrbewährungsabzeichen in Bronze",the "Kubanschild" and the KvK II m.Schw.for his efforts.
Nice small entries as "Taschenlampe","Esbitkocher" and "Waffenentgiftung".
Code: 54392
125.00 EUR