Citation grouping - Luftwaffe -  18.Flakdivision - Wochner Citation grouping - Luftwaffe -  18.Flakdivision - Wochner Citation grouping - Luftwaffe -  18.Flakdivision - Wochner Citation grouping - Luftwaffe -  18.Flakdivision - Wochner

Citation grouping - Luftwaffe - 18.Flakdivision - Wochner

Citation grouping of "Obergefreiten" Adolf Wochner who served within lei.Flakabt.74 as part of the 18.Flakdivision.

1) "Ostmedaille" citation which has been signed by an unidentified Oberst.

2) EK II citation which has been signed by the "Kommandeur der 18.Flakdivision "Generalmajor Richard Reimann (RK 3-4-1945,EL 20-4-1945)

3)"Erdkampfabzeichen der Luftwaffe" citation in a special divisional "Vordruck" (unit edition) of the 18.Flakdivision.
Signed by Richard Reimann.

4)"Flakkampfabzeichen" citation which has also been signed by Reimann.

5) EK I award citation which has been signed by "Generalleutnant u.Kommand.General d.III.Flakkorps Wolfgang Pickert (RK 11-1-1943,EL 5-6-1944)

It will not get any better than this!
A real great grouping of great award documents depicting the 18.Flak Division who were engaged in bitter fightings on the "Ostfront".

Code: 54406

470.00 EUR