Citation grouping -  Luftwaffe - Flak Rgt.36/2.Flak Div. - - Heuer Citation grouping -  Luftwaffe - Flak Rgt.36/2.Flak Div. - - Heuer Citation grouping -  Luftwaffe - Flak Rgt.36/2.Flak Div. - - Heuer Citation grouping -  Luftwaffe - Flak Rgt.36/2.Flak Div. - - Heuer Citation grouping -  Luftwaffe - Flak Rgt.36/2.Flak Div. - - Heuer

Citation grouping - Luftwaffe - Flak Rgt.36/2.Flak Div. - - Heuer

Citation grouping of "Unteroffizier" Oswald Heuer who served within Flak Rgt.36 (mot.Z.) under command of the 2.Flak Div.

1) "Ostmedaille" citation which has been signed by the commanding officer.

2) "Goldkordel zum Ärmeltätigkeitsabzeichen des Kraftfahrpersonals der Luftwaffe" citation which bears the stamped signature of "Generaloberst" and "Chef der Luftflotte 1 und Befehlshaber Ost" Alfred Keller.

3) KvK II m.Schw. citation which has been signed by "General der Flieger" Kurt Pflugbeil (RK 5-10-1941, EL 27-8-1944)

4) EK II citation which has been signed by "Generalletnant" and divisional commander Alfons Luczny (RK 9-6-1944)

5) "Erdkampfabzeichen er Luftwaffe" citation which hhas been printed in Riga and which has been signed also by "Generalletnant" and divisional commander Alfons Luczny (RK 9-6-1944)

6) BWB citation which has been signed by the commanding officer.

7) "Kraftbewährungsabzeichen in Bronze" citation which has been signed by the regimental commander.

Rarely seen grouping containing 7 citations of a brave "Unteroffizier " !!

Code: 54516

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