Wehrpaß - WH (Heer) -  Oppermann Wehrpaß - WH (Heer) -  Oppermann Wehrpaß - WH (Heer) -  Oppermann Wehrpaß - WH (Heer) -  Oppermann Wehrpaß - WH (Heer) -  Oppermann Wehrpaß - WH (Heer) -  Oppermann Wehrpaß - WH (Heer) -  Oppermann Wehrpaß - WH (Heer) -  Oppermann Wehrpaß - WH (Heer) -  Oppermann Wehrpaß - WH (Heer) -  Oppermann

Wehrpaß - WH (Heer) - Oppermann

1) Wehrpaß of "Zahlmeister der Reserve im TSD" (Truppen Sanitäts Dienst) Fritz Oppermann who served within various different units.

Oppermann participated in few engineer and medical courses.
One of them was the "Sanitäts Schüllehrgang im Ortslazarett,Warschau".

Oppermann was awarded the "SA-Wehrabzeichen in Bronze" ,the "Reichssportabzeichen in Silber" ,the "Ostmedaille" ,the "Orden für Deutsche Volkspflege II Kl." ,the KvK II Kl.m.Schw. ,the EK II and the KvK I Kl.m.Schw.!!!!

The Wehrpaß contains an unusual folding-out "Gefechtkalender".

2) "Personalausweis" (I.D.) of "Sanitäts Soldat" Oppermann

3) "Personalausweis" (I.D.) of "Sanitäts-Gefreiten" Oppermann.

4) 2 additonal documents.

Great Wehrpaß!!

Code: 54815

215.00 EUR