Citation grouping -  WH (Heer) -111.Inf.Div. /563 V.G.D. - Reuter Citation grouping -  WH (Heer) -111.Inf.Div. /563 V.G.D. - Reuter Citation grouping -  WH (Heer) -111.Inf.Div. /563 V.G.D. - Reuter Citation grouping -  WH (Heer) -111.Inf.Div. /563 V.G.D. - Reuter Citation grouping -  WH (Heer) -111.Inf.Div. /563 V.G.D. - Reuter Citation grouping -  WH (Heer) -111.Inf.Div. /563 V.G.D. - Reuter Citation grouping -  WH (Heer) -111.Inf.Div. /563 V.G.D. - Reuter

Citation grouping - WH (Heer) -111.Inf.Div. /563 V.G.D. - Reuter

Citation grouping of "Obergefreiten" Walter Reuter who served within Gren/.Rgtr.70 of the 111.Inf.Div. and Volks Gren.Rgt.1148 of the 563.V.G.D.

1) BWB citation which has been issued at Reservelazarett Bruchsal for his incurred wound in the "Kaukasus"!

2) EK II citation which has been signed by "Generalleutnant" and divisional commander Hermann Recknagel (RK 5-8-1940,11-2-1943 ,EL 6-11-1943 ,Schw.23-10-1944)!!!

Recknagel was shot by partisans near Petrikau/Tomaszów Mazowiecki on 23-1-1945

3) "Nahkampftage" (close combat) list of 12 days.

4) GWB citation for 5 different wounds which has been issued at Reserve Lazarett Bamberg.

5) Small certificate to state the 3 "Sturmtage" (assault days) and the fact that the "Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen" was not available anymore.

6) Last but not least:
One of the most attractive "Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen" citations there is.

The document has been signed by "Oberstleutnant" and regimental commander "Oberstleutnant" Konrad Lyhme (RK 09-10-1942).

Code: 54976

465.00 EUR