Citation grouping -  WH (Heer) - XIV.Pz.Korps - Riess Citation grouping -  WH (Heer) - XIV.Pz.Korps - Riess Citation grouping -  WH (Heer) - XIV.Pz.Korps - Riess

Citation grouping - WH (Heer) - XIV.Pz.Korps - Riess

Citation grouping opf "Obergefreiten" Fritz Riess who served within Stab Generalkommando XIV.Pz.Korps.

1) "Ostmedaille" citation which has been signed by "Oberst" Hans Georg Schmidt von Altenstadt ((DKiG 8-5-1944)

Schmidt von Altenstadt died of on 25-7-1944.

2) BWB citation has been signed by "Oberst" Eberhard Thunert (DKiG 25-1-1943 ,RK 1-2-1945)

3) KvK II Kl.m.Schw. which has been signed by "General der Panzer-Truppe" Valentin Hube (RK 1-8-1941 ,EL 16-1-1942,Schw.21-12-1942 ,Brill.20-4-1944)

Hube was killed during a planecrash after he was awarded the "Brillianten" by A.Hitler at Obersalzberg on 21-4-1944.

Code: 55029

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