Soldbuch WH (Heer) - "Panzer" - Korf.
Soldbuch of "Unteroffizier" Heinz Korf who served within several different panzer related units.
Units ,Korf served in were:Pz.Rgt.26 ,Pz.Rgt.130 and Pz.Abt.33 among others.
Korf was awarded the "Ostmedaille" and issued a Belgian handgun (F.N. or Browning) and 3 entries of the G43 "Selbstladegewehr"!!
Nice well filled-in panzer related Soldbuch!
Korf was awarded the "Ostmedaille"
The Soldbuch comes with 3 photos of Korf in standard uniform.
Code: 55094
525.00 EUR