Soldbuch - Pz.Lehr Div. - Olsjenski?
Soldbuch of "Gefreiter" Willi Olsjenski? who served within Pz.Gr.Lehr Rgt.901 of the Pz.Lehr Div. -
Olsjenski? was awarded the "Ostmedaille" ,the EK II ,the BWB and the "Panzerkampfabzeichen in Bronze" during his efforts in Russia.
Olsjenski? was wounded during the "Partisanenangriff" at Banja Luka (Croatia) in January !944
Whether Olsjenski? participated himself in fightings in the Normandy or not is unclear while he was being hospitalized in Chartres and Paris during summer 1944 few times.
Panzer Lehr!!!
Code: 55100
275.00 EUR