RK recipient Brinkforth - KIA - 1942 RK recipient Brinkforth - KIA - 1942 RK recipient Brinkforth - KIA - 1942 RK recipient Brinkforth - KIA - 1942

RK recipient Brinkforth - KIA - 1942

Photo of the grave of "Unteroffizier" and KC recipient Hubert Brinkforth who served within Sch.Rgt.25 of the 12.Pz.Div.

Brinkforth was the first lower ranking KC recipient during WW II.

1) Photo of Brinkforths grave in Russia.

2) Mini booklet of the "Helden der Wehrmacht" serie concerning Brinkforth.

3) Hoffmann postcard (slightly cut and glued on.

4) Postwar article on Brinkforth

Code: 55264

110.00 EUR