"Waffen-SS" - Soldbuch - Art.Abt.SS-Inf.Brigade 1 / Matzkau - Best
"Waffen-SS" Soldbuch of "SS-Schütze" Hubert Best who used to serve within Art.Abt.SS-Inf.Brigade 1.
It seems that Best was guilty of misbehaviour as he was demoted from "SS-Oberscharführer" to "SS-Schütze" and was sent to "Strafvollzugslager der SS- und Polizei Danzig-Matzkau" (correctional institute) where he stayed for a 2 months period.
The Soldbuch comes with an official document that states that Bests entry photo had to be removed (due to demotion/rank) and that Best had to take care of a new one asap.
The fact that the photo is missing suggests that Best did not succeed in adding a new photo for some reason?!
Best was awarded the EK II and surprisingly allowed to keep it!?
Being demoted meant almost certain you had to "volunteer" for the "dirty/dangerous" tasks!
Code: 55366
1200.00 EUR