Soldbuch KM - 10.Minensuchflottille - Waldow
Soldbuch of "Obersteuermann" Harry Waldow who served within the 10.Minensuchfltille.
Waldow served for the French coast up to Biscay.
Waldow was awarded the EK II ,the "SudetenErinnerungsmedaille" ,the "Spanienkreuz ohne Schwerter in Bronze" ,the "Flottenkriegsabzeichen" and the "Minensuchabzeichen"!!
After the Normandy landings on D-Day ,Waldows unit was cancelled and Waldow retreated to "Festung St.Nazaire"!!
Although 2 pages have been cut (probably for adress exchange reason) a great KM Soldbuch!!
Code: 55615
550.00 EUR