Citation grouping - Luftwaffe - 16.Flak Div. - Haupthoff Citation grouping - Luftwaffe - 16.Flak Div. - Haupthoff Citation grouping - Luftwaffe - 16.Flak Div. - Haupthoff Citation grouping - Luftwaffe - 16.Flak Div. - Haupthoff Citation grouping - Luftwaffe - 16.Flak Div. - Haupthoff Citation grouping - Luftwaffe - 16.Flak Div. - Haupthoff Citation grouping - Luftwaffe - 16.Flak Div. - Haupthoff Citation grouping - Luftwaffe - 16.Flak Div. - Haupthoff

Citation grouping - Luftwaffe - 16.Flak Div. - Haupthoff

Citation grouping of "Oberwachtmeister" Egon Haupthoff who served within the 16.Flak-Div.

1) "Dienstauszeichnung IV Klasse" citation for serving 4 years within the German Army.

2) "Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1-10-1938" which has been signed by "Oberst" and commander of "Flakgruppe West"

3) Attractive "Kampfabzeichen der Flakartillerie" citation ( special "Vordrück" edition) which has been issued by the "Kommandierende General und Befehlshaber im Luftgau Belgien und Nordfrankreich" in the rank of "General der Flieger" Wilhelm Wimmer

4) Promotion "Bestallung" of Haupthoff to "Wachtmeister der Res."

5) KvK II m.Schw. citation which has also been signed by the "Kommandierende General und Befehlshaber im Luftgau Belgien und Nordfrankreich" in the rank of "General der Flieger" Wilhelm Wimmer.

6) EK II citation which has been issued at the "Gefechtsstand" (command post) and which has been signed by the commander of the 16.Flak Div. "Generalmajor" Friedrich-Wilhelm Deutsch (DKiG 30-5-1942)

Deutsch was KIA at Wesel on 27-3-1945!!

This particular citation was issued during the "Market Garden" operation figthings !!

7) KvK I m.Schw. citation which has been issued by "Der Kommandierende General und Befehlshaber des Lw.-Kommando West" Josef Schmid (RK 21-5-1943) in the rank of "Generalleutnant".

Great "Westfronf" related grouping !!

Code: 55685

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