Wehrpass /citation grouping - Luftwaffe - Wehrpass /citation grouping - Luftwaffe - Wehrpass /citation grouping - Luftwaffe - Wehrpass /citation grouping - Luftwaffe - Wehrpass /citation grouping - Luftwaffe - Wehrpass /citation grouping - Luftwaffe - Wehrpass /citation grouping - Luftwaffe - Wehrpass /citation grouping - Luftwaffe - Wehrpass /citation grouping - Luftwaffe - Wehrpass /citation grouping - Luftwaffe -

Wehrpass /citation grouping - Luftwaffe - "H.G" - Roggelin

Wehrpass and citation grouping of "Unteroffizier" Heinz Roggelin who served within few different Flak related units.

The last unit Roggelin served in was: Stab Pz.Div."Hermann Göring"!!

1) Wehrpass of Roggelin who was awarded the EK II ,the "Kampfabzeichen der Flakartillerie" and the "Ostmedaille"

Roggelin was trained to operate the 2 cm Flak 30 and 2 cm Flak Vierling (4 barrels)

The Wehrpass shows 1 day (3 needed) for the "Erdkampfabzeichen der Luftwaffe"

Roggelin was hit by bombing ("Bombenvolltreffer") on 20-5-1943 at Sarno and DOW the next day in Feldlazarett Poggiomarino near Napels (Italy)

2) EK II citation which has been issued at the "Stabsquartier" and which has been signed by "Kommandeur der Luftwaffe bei der Heeresgruppe Mitte" in the rank of "Generalmajor und Kommandeur" Phillip Zoch

3) Few documents concerning Roggelins death circumstances.

4) 10 "Feldpost" letters related to Roggelin.

5) Photos of Roggelin

Code: 55874

535.00 EUR