Citation set WH (Heer) - Pionier-Brücken-Bataillon 42 - Ams Citation set WH (Heer) - Pionier-Brücken-Bataillon 42 - Ams

Citation set WH (Heer) - Pionier-Brücken-Bataillon 42 - Ams

Citation set of "Unteroffizier" Otto Ams who served within Pionier-Brücken-Bataillon 42 (bridge construction pioneer unit)

1) "Ostmedaille" citation which has been signed by the commanding officer.

2) Nice KvK II m.Schw. "Vordruck" (form) for the "17.Armee" (17th.Army) under command of the "Oberbefehlshaber der 17.Armee" ,Friedrich Schulz

The document has been signed by "Oberst" and "1.Adjutant" ? on behalf of Schulz.

Code: 55954

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