Soldbuch /EKM - WH (Heer) - "Stellvertretende Generalkommando IX" / "Wehrkreisverwaltung IX" - Lachner
Soldbuch and "EKM" of "Stabsintendant" Hans Lachner who served within "Stellvertretende Generalkommando IX"
Lachner was awarded the KvK II m.Schw. ,the EK II ! and the KvK I m.Schw.!!
Although the photo of Lachner has been cut out ?! ,it has been replaced almost perfect!
2) WW I "Erkennungsmarke" of Hans Lachner
3) WW I "Erkennungsmarke" of Karl Lachner (father?)
Code: 55970
235.00 EUR