Wehrpass / Arab safe conduct / Wehrpass / Arab safe conduct / Wehrpass / Arab safe conduct / Wehrpass / Arab safe conduct / Wehrpass / Arab safe conduct / Wehrpass / Arab safe conduct / Wehrpass / Arab safe conduct / Wehrpass / Arab safe conduct / Wehrpass / Arab safe conduct / Wehrpass / Arab safe conduct /

Wehrpass / Arab safe conduct / "Feldpost" grouping - Luftwaffe - (Pz.) S.G.2 - KIA - Heuschkel

Wehrpass ,Arab safe conduct and "Feldpost" grouping of "Unteroffizier" Heinz Heuschkel who served within various flying units.

The last unit ,Heuschkel acted in was: (Panzer) /Schlacht Geschwader 2

This unit was equipped with Ju 87 G with 3,7 cms. anti-tank guns!!

Heuschkel was awarded the "Flugzeugführerabzeichen" ,th "Erinnerungsmedaille an der deutsch-italiensice Feldzug in Afrika" and the EK II.

Heuschkel operated in "Brückenkopf Tunesien" ,the Mediterranean and Sardinia and the Eastern front.

"Feindflüge insgesamt" :19 (total enemy flights :19)

Heuschkel was KIA during a flight near Stalino on 10-9-1943.

2) Very rare and interesting small booklet with arab translations to identify oneself when landed in the african desert and help/assistance was needed!!

3) About 15 "Feldpost" letters.

Code: 56315

1240.00 EUR