Soldbuch/citation -  WH (Heer) -110.Inf.Div. / 73.Inf.Div. - Leidel Soldbuch/citation -  WH (Heer) -110.Inf.Div. / 73.Inf.Div. - Leidel Soldbuch/citation -  WH (Heer) -110.Inf.Div. / 73.Inf.Div. - Leidel Soldbuch/citation -  WH (Heer) -110.Inf.Div. / 73.Inf.Div. - Leidel Soldbuch/citation -  WH (Heer) -110.Inf.Div. / 73.Inf.Div. - Leidel Soldbuch/citation -  WH (Heer) -110.Inf.Div. / 73.Inf.Div. - Leidel Soldbuch/citation -  WH (Heer) -110.Inf.Div. / 73.Inf.Div. - Leidel Soldbuch/citation -  WH (Heer) -110.Inf.Div. / 73.Inf.Div. - Leidel Soldbuch/citation -  WH (Heer) -110.Inf.Div. / 73.Inf.Div. - Leidel Soldbuch/citation -  WH (Heer) -110.Inf.Div. / 73.Inf.Div. - Leidel

Soldbuch/citation - WH (Heer) -110.Inf.Div. / 73.Inf.Div. - Leidel

Soldbuch and citation of "SanitätsStabsgefreiten" Hans Leidel who served within 110.Inf.Div. (stated by related paperwork) and Sanitäts Komp.299 under command of the 73.Inf.Div.

1) "Ersatzausfertigung" Soldbuch of Leidel which was given a new "Kriegsmarine"!! cover.

Leidel was awarded the "Ostmedaille" ,the "Kraftfahrbewährungs Abzeichen in Bronze" and the KvK II m.Schw.

2) KvK II m.Schw. citation which has been signed by "Generalmajor" and commander of the 73.Inf.Div.Franz Schlieper (DKiG 10-1-1944 ,RK 21-9-1944)

3) "Fahrbefehl" (transport order) issued at the "Blitzkrieg) "which has been signed by "General der Panzertruppen" and "Kommandierende General des XXXIX Armeekorps" (39.A.K.) Rudolf Schmidt (RK 3-6-1940 ,EL 10-7-1941)

4) Due to lack of "R.K.Pesonalausweis" (Red Cross I.D.) made I.D. which has been used also during POW captivity.

Altogether an interesting Soldbuch with nice additions!

Code: 56342

195.00 EUR