Citation  -  WH (Heer) -  Brückenbaubtl.566 - Stroh Citation  -  WH (Heer) -  Brückenbaubtl.566 - Stroh Citation  -  WH (Heer) -  Brückenbaubtl.566 - Stroh

Citation - WH (Heer) - Brückenbaubtl.566 - Stroh

Citation of "Unteroffizier" Ludwig Stroh who served within Brückenbaubtl.566 (bridge construction pioneer unit) under command of the "16.Armee"

The citation which has been made of reinforced paper bears the stamped signature of "Oberbefehlshaber der 16.Armee" and "Generaloberst" Ernst Busch (RK26-5-1940 ,EL 21-8-1943)

Code: 56447

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