Citation grouping WH (Heer) - 359.Inf.Div./XXXXIII.A.K. - Richter Citation grouping WH (Heer) - 359.Inf.Div./XXXXIII.A.K. - Richter Citation grouping WH (Heer) - 359.Inf.Div./XXXXIII.A.K. - Richter Citation grouping WH (Heer) - 359.Inf.Div./XXXXIII.A.K. - Richter Citation grouping WH (Heer) - 359.Inf.Div./XXXXIII.A.K. - Richter Citation grouping WH (Heer) - 359.Inf.Div./XXXXIII.A.K. - Richter Citation grouping WH (Heer) - 359.Inf.Div./XXXXIII.A.K. - Richter Citation grouping WH (Heer) - 359.Inf.Div./XXXXIII.A.K. - Richter Citation grouping WH (Heer) - 359.Inf.Div./XXXXIII.A.K. - Richter

Citation grouping WH (Heer) - 359.Inf.Div./XXXXIII.A.K. - Richter

Citation grouping (9 citations WW II !) of "Feldwebel" Alfred Richter who served within few different units

1) "Ehren-Urkunde" for the "Reichsjugendwettkämpfen" in 1924.

2) "Ehren-Urkunde" for the "Reichsjugendwettkämpfen" in 1928.

3) KvK II m.Schw. citation which has been issued at Slynka (Russia) and which has been signed by "General der Infanterie" Gotthard Heinrici (RK 18-9-1941 ,EL 24-11-1943 ,Schw.3-5-1945)!!!

4) EK II citation which has been issued at the HQ of the "Oberkommando des Heeres" and which has been signed by "General der Infanterie" Bodewin Keitel (brother of "GFM" Wilhelm Keitel)

5) "Ostmedaille" citation of Richter who served by then within Stab 28.Jäger Div. and which has been signed by the commanding officer

6) Rumanian "Kreuzug gegen den Kommunismus" citation

7) Rumanian citation

8) Attractive "Krimschild" citation which bears the stamped signature of "GFM" Erich von Manstein

9) BWB citation which has been signed by "Oberst" Burkhart Müller-Hildebrtandt (DKiG 11-2-1944)

10) "Kraftfahrbewährungsabzeichen in Silber" citation which has been signed by "Oberst" Burkhart Müller-Hildebrtandt (DKiG 11-2-1944)

11) EK I citation which has been signed by "Generalleutnant" and divisional commander Karl Arndt (RK 23-1-1942 ,2-7-1944 DKiG ,EL 1-2-1945)!!

Code: 56551

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