Soldbuch/Wehrpass grouping - WH (Heer) - 19.Pz.Div. - Hoyermann
Soldbuch/Wehrpass grouping of "Oberleutnant" Gerhard Hoyermann who served within Pz.Aufklärungs Abt.19 of the 19.Pz.Div.
1) Wehrpass of Hoyermann who was trained in special courses at different "Panzertruppenschulen" (panzertroop schools)
Hoyermann was awarded the "Erinnerungsmedaille Sudetenland 1-10-1938" ,the EK II ,the "Ostmedaille" ,the SWB ,the EK I ,the GWB (6 x wounded)!! and the "Panzerkampfabzeichen in Bronze"!!
Hoyermann DOW on 14-9-1943
2) Soldbuch of Hoyermann who was issued a "Browning" handgun
Only 3 of the awards have been entered in the Soldbuch which shows a lot of other interesting entries concerning his wounds etc.
3) "Wehrmacht-Führerschein" (army drivers-license)
4) "Kriegsstammrollenauszug" of Hoyermann
5) "Antrag" (proposal) for the "Panzerkampfabzeichen in Bronze" award.
Interesting grouping of a brave "Oberleutnant" !
Code: 56583
630.00 EUR