Wehrpass - KM - Marine-Stamm Rgt.Beverloo - KIA Elba - Schuhmann
Wehrpass of "Matrosen Obergefreiten" Walter Schuhmann who served within the 4.Landungs-Flottille.
Schuhmann was trained at "Marine stammregiment Beverloo" (Belgium) and served within the 11.Landungs-Flottille and finally 4.Landungs-Flottille after.
During his service in "Mittelmeer" (Mediterranean Sea) he was KIA North of Elba on 25-4-1944.
2) Rarely seen linen based "Personal-Ausweis" (I.D.) of "Betriebsblockobmann" Schuhmann who served within the "Deutsche Arbeiterfronf"
3) Official letter to Schuhmanns wife concerning his grave at "Heldenfriedhof" Cimentario Zinola near Savona.
Code: 56596
375.00 EUR