Citation grouping - KM - Citation grouping - KM - Citation grouping - KM -

Citation grouping - KM - "Küstenüberwachüngsabteilung Nord" - Mehlau

Citation grouping of "Matrosengefreiten" Otto Mehlau who served within the "Küstenüberwachüngsabteilung Nord"

1) EK II citation which has been issued at the "Befehlsstelle" (command post) and which has been signed by "Generaladmiral und Befehlshaber des Marinegruppenkommandos Nord" Rolf Carls (RK 14-6-1940 ,DKiG 28-2-1943)

Carls was KIA on 15-4-1945 in Bad Oldesloe/Germany.

2) BWB citation which has been signed by "Korvettenkapitän" and commander of "Küstenüberwachüngsabteilung Nord" ?

3) "Kriegsabzeichen für die Marineartillerie" citation which bears the stamped signature of "Vizeadmiral und Kommandierender Admiral Atlantikküste" Ernst Schirlitz

Code: 56627

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