Citation grouping - WH (Heer) - 2.Pz.Div./ - Kempf
Citation grouping of "Unteroffizier" Maximilian Kempf who served within several different units
1) "Nice A4 size "Sturmabzeichen" citation of Kempf while serving within Pz.Jäger Abt.38 of the 2.Pz.Div.
The citation has been signed by "Generalleutnant" and divisional commander Rudolf Veiel (RK 3-6-1940)
2) Bad condition BWB citation which has been signed by "Hauptmann" and commanding officer,Egon Sauer-Nordendorf (DKiG 14-10-1942) of the Schützen Rgt.129 (22.Pz.Div.)
3) KvK II m.Schw. citation which has been signed by "Generalmajor" and divisional commander Wilhelm von Apell (RK 14-5-1941)
4) A4 size "Krimschild" citation which bears the stamped signature of "GFM" Erich von Manstein
5) Bulgarian"Bronzene Verdienstmedaille mit Krone am Kriegsband" citation which has been signed by commanding officer ,"Leutnant" Friedrichs?
6) SWB citation which has been signed by "Oberleutnant" and commanding officer?
Code: 56638
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