Soldbuch - WH (Heer) - 216.Inf.Div. - Springerum
Soldbuch of "Oberleutnant" and battery commander Karl Springerum who served within Art.Rgt.216 of the 216.Inf.Div.
Springerum was awarded the "Deutsces Schutzwall-Ehrenzeichen" ,the "Schiessabzeichen der 1.Stufe"and the EK II (not entered yet in Soldbuch as he was KIA soon after)
Entry page 15: "Gefallen am 3-9-1943 in ? ,Russland"
Springerum has been buried at "Heldenfriedhof Schtscherlowka"
Great Soldbuch with many nice extras elements!
Code: 56705
225.00 EUR