"Vorschlag" (proposal) - DKiG - Heeres-Stug.Brigade 393 - Lober

"Vorschlag" (proposal) for "Hauptmann" and "Batteriechef" Franz Lober who served as commander of 2.Batterie Heeres Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 393

Lober was awarded the EK II ,the EK I ,the KvK I m.Schw. ,the "Sturmabzeichen" ,the SWB and the "Ostmedaille"

The facts of heroism for the proposal show Lober as a brave warrior during fierce fightings within combined actions with30.Inf.Div. and 19.Waffen-Gren.Div.der SS (lett.Nr.2)

The proposal has been proposed by Heeres Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 393 commander "Major" Karl-Ludwig Barths (Ehrenblattspange 29-9-1941 ,RK 14-1-1945) ,commander of the 19.Waffen-Gren.Div.der SS (lett.Nr.2) "SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS" Bruno Streckenbach (DKiG 15-12-1943 ,RK 27-8-1944 ,EL 16-1-1945)!!! and commander of the VI.SS-Freiw.Armeekorps "SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen-SS" Walter Krüger (RK 13-12-1941 ,EL 31-8-1943 ,Schw.11-1-1945)!!!

Krüger committed suicide on 22-5-1945 in Latvia.

Great DKiG proposal !!!

Code: 56765

850.00 EUR