Soldbook - Luftwaffe - Volks Art.Korps 404 -  Müller Soldbook - Luftwaffe - Volks Art.Korps 404 -  Müller Soldbook - Luftwaffe - Volks Art.Korps 404 -  Müller Soldbook - Luftwaffe - Volks Art.Korps 404 -  Müller Soldbook - Luftwaffe - Volks Art.Korps 404 -  Müller Soldbook - Luftwaffe - Volks Art.Korps 404 -  Müller Soldbook - Luftwaffe - Volks Art.Korps 404 -  Müller Soldbook - Luftwaffe - Volks Art.Korps 404 -  Müller Soldbook - Luftwaffe - Volks Art.Korps 404 -  Müller Soldbook - Luftwaffe - Volks Art.Korps 404 -  Müller

Soldbook - Luftwaffe - Volks Art.Korps 404 - Müller

Early "Ersatz" Soldbook of "Unteroffizier" Heinz Müller who served within divers units ,like:: "Luftsperrabteilungen" (balloon air barrier units) and Flak units.

The last unit Müller served in was: Volks Art.Korps 404 Stabsbatterie.

This unit acted in the Alsace under command of the "Reichsführer-SS" as "Volksverband"

Müller was awarded the BWB

Code: 56837