Citation set - WH (Heer) - DRK - Geb..Div. - Zeiler
Rare and very attractive document grouping of "D.R.K.Helferin" Gertrud Zeiler who served within
1) Rare certificate for Zeiler for taking care and medical attention to many "Gebirgsjäger" and was permitted to wear the "Edelweis"!!
The certificate has been issued in "Lappland" (Finland) and has been signed by "General der Gebirgstruppe" Ferdinand Schörner (RK 20-4-1941 ,EL 17-2-1944 ,Schw.28-8-1944 ,Brill.1-1-1945)!!!!!
2) 2 great commemorative X-mas 1944 cards:
1 has been signed by "Generalleutnant" and divisional commander Günther Lohmann (DKiG 10-11-1941) which commanded 14.Lufwaffen-Felddivision by then
The second has been signed by Förster
3) Some related paperwork to "D.R.K.Helferin" Gertrud Zeiler
Very nice set!
Code: 56840