Citation  -  WH (Heer) -  344.Inf.Div. - Drechsler Citation  -  WH (Heer) -  344.Inf.Div. - Drechsler

Citation - WH (Heer) - 344.Inf.Div. - Drechsler

KvK II m.Schw. citation of "Oberleutnant der Res." Alfred Drechsler who served within Art.Rgt.344 of the 344.Inf.Div.

The citation has been signed by "Generaloberst und Oberbefehlshaber der 1.Armee" Johannes Blaskowitz (RK 30-9-1939 ,EL 28-10-1944 ,Schw.25-1-1945)!!

The 344.Inf.Div. was stationed in the Bordeaux (France) area by then.

Great signature citation!!

Code: 56893
