NSKK - I.D. set - Kraus NSKK - I.D. set - Kraus NSKK - I.D. set - Kraus NSKK - I.D. set - Kraus

NSKK - I.D. set - Kraus

Unusual NSKK I.D. set of Marie Kraus who served within the "Motorgruppe Wien" (Vienna)

1) "Führerschein" (drivers-license) of Kraus while being active at "Motorgruppe Wien" (Vienna)

2) "Betriebsberechtigungsschein" (operating license) to drive a "Holz und Anthrazitgas" (wood and coal gas) generated vehicle

The license has been signed by "Brigadeführer" ?

Code: 56910

120.00 EUR