176 items found
Wehrpaß Luftwaffe - Greece -  Schlomm

Wehrpaß Luftwaffe - Greece - Schlomm

Wehrpaß of "Obergefreiten" Heinrich Schlomm who served within seeral different units of the Luftwaffe.

Schlomm served in Greece ,Montenegro ,Germany and Danmark and was awarded the "Erdkampfabzeichen der Luftwaffe".

Schlomm participated in "Bandeneinsatz" (anti partisan) actions in Montenegro.

Schlomm was trained in "Infanteriegefechtslehrgan...  read more

Code: 53673

135.00 EUR

Award document grouping Luftwaffe - 15.Flak Div. - Weber

Award document grouping Luftwaffe - 15.Flak Div. - Weber

Award document grouping of "Gefreiten" Georg Weber who served within Flak Rgt.25 of the 15.Flak Div.

1) BWB citation which has been signed by the commanding officer.

2) "Ostmedaille" award document which is signed by the commanding officer.

3) "Krimschild" award document which bears the stamped (as Always) signature of "GFM" Erich von Mannste...  read more

Code: 53617

265.00 EUR

Single award document Luftwaffe -  leichte Eisenbahn-Transport-Schutz-Flak-Abteilung 956 (ETr.) - Hasshoff

Single award document Luftwaffe - leichte Eisenbahn-Transport-Schutz-Flak-Abteilung 956 (ETr.) - Hasshoff

EK II award document of "Fähnrich" Friedrich Hasshoff who served within leichte Flakabt.956 (Eisenbahn-Transport-Schutz-Flak-Abteilung 956 (ETr.)

The document has been signed by "Der Kommandierende General und Befehshaber im Feldluftgau Westfrankreich" Karl Drum??

This unit was responsible for securing the railroad connection between Holland ,Belgium and France.read more

Code: 53579

85.00 EUR

Award document set  Luftwaffe - Breitkreuz

Award document set Luftwaffe - Breitkreuz

Award document set of "Unteroffizier" Willy Breitkreuz who served within a Luftwaffe unit under command of German airforce in Italy.

1) "Ostmedaille" award document which has been signed by the commanding "Luftransportführer".

2) KvK II m.Schw.citation which has been issued in Rome and which has been signed by "Der General der Deutschen Luftwaffe beim Oberkommando ...  read more

Code: 53548

110.00 EUR

Wehrpaß Luftwaffe - Flugzeugführerschule (See) - Heinz

Wehrpaß Luftwaffe - Flugzeugführerschule (See) - Heinz

Wehrpaß of "Oberfeldwebel" Anton Heinz who served since 1934 within various Luftwaffe units which were most related to the seaplanes!!
Heinz was awarded the "Flügzeugführerabzeichen" ,the "Dienstauszeichnung IV " and the KvK II m.Schw.award.

Heinz was killed in accident on 27-7-1941 at "Flügzeugführerschule Neureuppin".

Unusual Wehrpaß!!  read more

Code: 53513

145.00 EUR

Wehrpaß Luftwaffe - Kreta / Africa - Musäus

Wehrpaß Luftwaffe - Kreta / Africa - Musäus

Wehrpaß of "Gefreiter" Nils Musäus who served within different units as "Flugzeug-Fünkwart" (plane radio attendant).

Musäus participated in actions like:"Eroberüng der Insel Kreta" (Crete) ,"Ostfront" and actions in "Nordafrika"(northern Africa)

During a bombing raid on the airfield of Tunis ,Musäus was killed on 5-4-1943.

Comes with some pictures of...  read more

Code: 53451


Award document grouping Luftwaffe - Africa - 20.Flak Div. - Buschmann

Award document grouping Luftwaffe - Africa - 20.Flak Div. - Buschmann

Award document grouping of "Wachtmeister" Werner Buschmann who served within Flak Rgt.54 (mot).

1) BWB award document which has been issued in Africa on 10-2-1943 and which has been signed by the commanding officer.

2) EK II award document which has been issued in Africa and which has been signed by "Generalmajor" and commander of the 20.Flakdivision (mot.)...  read more

Code: 53303

215.00 EUR

Photolot - Luftwaffe pilot

Photolot - Luftwaffe pilot

Photolot of a almost certain Luftwaffe pilot.

It shows the easy life besides the aerial service.
Note the long sleeve shirt with eagle!  read more

Code: 53290

40.00 EUR

Single award document Luftwaffe - Luftgau Kommando 1 - Braun

Single award document Luftwaffe - Luftgau Kommando 1 - Braun

KvK II m.Schw. award document of "Gefreiten" Johann Braun who served under command of Luftgaukommando 1.

The document has been issued at Königsberg (Prussia) and has been signed by "Generalleutnant" Richard Putzier (DKiS 20-3-1944)

Has been glued-in a scrapbook/album.  read more

Code: 53287

50.00 EUR

Postcard picture - Luftwaffe -

Postcard picture - Luftwaffe -"HG"

Postcard picture of a "Flieger" who served within the "HG" (Hermann Göring) division.  read more

Code: 53286

40.00 EUR