176 items found

"Der Deutsche Sportflieger" - 1942

Complete (12 copies) of "Der Deutsche Sportflieger".
12 copies bound in one , which gives a pile of information concerning Luftwaffe airplanes,aircraft factories ,RK recipients etc.etc.

Cover has a view dents which don,t bother!

Great book!  read more

Code: 52486

75.00 EUR

Award document grouping - Flak -  Baginski

Award document grouping - Flak - Baginski

Award document grouping of "Obergefreiten" Ernst Baginski who served within lei.Flak - Abt.71.

1) EK II award document dated 23-5-1941 and issued by the H.Q. OKH (H.Q.Ober Kommando des Heeres).
The document has been signed by "Generalleutnant" and Luftwaffe general at the supreme commander of the Army Rudolf Bogatsch (RK 20-3-1942).

2) EK I award doc...  read more

Code: 52429

325.00 EUR

Picturelot KM/Luftwaffe - Winterswijk -  Holland

Picturelot KM/Luftwaffe - Winterswijk - Holland

Small picturelot of 5 pictures of some KM and /or Luftwaffe unit which were stationed in Holland.  read more

Code: 52178

30.00 EUR


Pictures "Luftwaffehelferinnen" - Holland

3 Pictures of "Luftwaffehelferinnen" which were stationed in Holland.  read more

Code: 52176

20.00 EUR

Photolot O.T./Luftwaffe

Photolot O.T./Luftwaffe

Photolot of an O.T./Luftwaffe man.
Interesting detail is the "Czech Anschlussmedaille" (1-10-1938) which has been mounted as "Einzelspange" and the HY honour badge.
The 3 postcard size pictures are not often seen in this configuration.
It comes with several other pictures  read more

Code: 52166

60.00 EUR

Period cover with 17 images - Luftwaffe -  Erich Klinghammer

Period cover with 17 images - Luftwaffe - Erich Klinghammer

Period cover (unrepaired 2 halves) with 17 images concerning Luftwaffe aerial activities during the first years of WW II.
A 4 size..  read more

Code: 52155

85.00 EUR

Period book

Period book "Vom Pimpf zum Flieger"

Period book "Vom Pimpf zum Flieger"
This book gives an overview for HY members up to "Flieger".
Lots of info concerning all ins and outs of becoming a pilot within the German "Luftwaffe".

This example has still all the originall additional attachments!  read more

Code: 52122

45.00 EUR

Award document set Luftwaffe - Klin

Award document set Luftwaffe - Klin

Award document set of "Unteroffizier" Walter Klin who served within LN.Rgt.(mot.) 22 .

1)EK II award document dated 22-7-1942 and signed by "Der kommandierende General des VIII Fliegerkorps" the "Generalleutnant" Martin Fiebig (RK 8-5-1940,EL 23-12-1942)
Fiebig was sentenced to death on 24-10-1947 in Yugoslavia convicted of warcrimes.

2) "Ostmedaille...  read more

Code: 52065

110.00 EUR

Postcard picture

Postcard picture "Feldwebel" recipient "DKiG" Luftwaffe.

Postcard picture "Feldwebel" recipient "DKiG" Luftwaffe.  read more

Code: 51848

30.00 EUR

LW grouping

LW grouping "Flugzeugführer" Hubbuch

Grouping of "Feldwebel" Hans Hubbich who was trained at the "Flugzeugführerschule" A/B 113 in Brün and the "Flugzeugführerschule" B 31.

1) Promotion document of "Unteroffizier" Hubbuch to "Feldwebel".

2) Copy for the "Flugzeugführer Abzeichen" issued by the "Reichsminister der Luftfahrt und Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe".

3) Award document o...  read more

Code: 51733

375.00 EUR