176 items found
Postcard photo - Luftwaffe - Crimea

Postcard photo - Luftwaffe - Crimea

Postcard photo of a "Obergefreiter" within the Luftwaffe who has been decorated with several awards.
Note: "Krimschild" at the upperarm!!

Photo has been knicked!  read more

Code: 56406

20.00 EUR

Citation grouping - Luftwaffe - Flak Rgt.5 / 17.Flak Div. - DKiG - Wittrien

Citation grouping - Luftwaffe - Flak Rgt.5 / 17.Flak Div. - DKiG - Wittrien

Citation grouping of "Hauptmann" Max Wittrien who served within Flak Rgt.5 under command of the 17.Flak Div.

1) KvK II m.Schw.citation which has been signed by "General der Flieger" Wilhelm Speidel

2) BWB citation which has been signed by the commanding officer.

3) EK II citation which has been signed by "General der Flieger" Otto Dessloch (RK 24-6-1...  read more

Code: 56374

425.00 EUR

Soldbuch grouping - Luftwaffe / 344.Inf.Div. - Hommrich

Soldbuch grouping - Luftwaffe / 344.Inf.Div. - Hommrich

Soldbuch grouping of "Obergefreiten" Josef Hommrich who served within various Luftwaffe units before he was transferred to Gren.Rgt.1056 of the 344.Inf.Div. on 1-10-1944

1) "Reichssportabzeichen" citation booklet

2) "Luftwaffen Bordwartschein"

3) "Rollschein" (permission for aircraft) for the Jü.88

3) Soldbuch with many interesting en...  read more

Code: 56325

450.00 EUR

Wehrpass / Arab safe conduct /

Wehrpass / Arab safe conduct / "Feldpost" grouping - Luftwaffe - (Pz.) S.G.2 - KIA - Heuschkel

Wehrpass ,Arab safe conduct and "Feldpost" grouping of "Unteroffizier" Heinz Heuschkel who served within various flying units.

The last unit ,Heuschkel acted in was: (Panzer) /Schlacht Geschwader 2

This unit was equipped with Ju 87 G with 3,7 cms. anti-tank guns!!

Heuschkel was awarded the "Flugzeugführerabzeichen" ,th "Erinnerungsmedaille an der de...  read more

Code: 56315

1240.00 EUR

Soldbuch - Luftwaffe - Aufkl.Gruppe 31 /

Soldbuch - Luftwaffe - Aufkl.Gruppe 31 / "DAK" - Overmann

Soldbuch of "Unteroffizier" Herbert Overmann who served witin few totally different units.

Overmann started within Aufklärungs Gruppe 31 (reconnaissance) of the Luftwaffe.

Next , Overmann served within Ersatz Einheit "Libyen" (Libya) with "Feld Post Nr.39552 - "Frontleitstelle Bengasi" and finally within 2 (H) 14 (Pz.) which is most certain Aufkl.Gruppe (H) 14 whic...  read more

Code: 56291

225.00 EUR

Soldbuch - Luftwaffe -

Soldbuch - Luftwaffe - "Wetterfunkleitstelle" - Schmünk

Soldbuch of "Leutnant" Otto Schmünk who served within several different weather-forecast- ie. signal units of the Luftwaffe.

Schmünk was awarded the "Südetenerinnerungsmedaille" and the KvK II. Kl. m. Schwn.

Although page 11,12,13 and 14 are missing still a nice pay-book with numerous interesting entries and glued-in papers!  read more

Code: 56285

110.00 EUR

Wehrpass  - Luftwaffe -  J.G.51

Wehrpass - Luftwaffe - J.G.51"Mölders" - Eisenhofer

Wehrpass of "Stabsgefreiter" Karl Eisenhofer who served within J.G.51 (later J.G."Mölders")

Eisenhofer was trained at the "Waffenmeisterschule der Luftwaffe" and must have been responsible for the weaponry of J.G.51.

Eisenhofer participated in many interesting operations (aerial attack on Paris ,London ,Africa ,Sicily,Sardinia ,Corsica,Rumania,Greece,Hungary, Sl...  read more

Code: 56239

285.00 EUR

Wehrpass  - Luftwaffe -  St.G.1/3 - Africa -  Herold

Wehrpass - Luftwaffe - St.G.1/3 - Africa - Herold

Wehrpass of "Oberleutnant" Günther Herold who served within several different "Nachrichten" units before he started to serve within Stuka-Geschwader 1 Nordafrika.

During his service in Africa ,Herold participated in actions against Tobruk and the "Versorgungnsschiffahrt" (supply by ship) and "Abwehrkämpfe" in the Cyrenaica area (Libya)

After service in Italy back t...  read more

Code: 56206

575.00 EUR

Condolance letters - Kesselring /Schirach

Condolance letters - Kesselring /Schirach

Condolance letters of "GFM" Albert Kesselring and "Jugendführer des Deutsches Reich "Baldur von Schirach to Emil Müller who was the father of Werner who died during service in the Luftwaffe.

1) Official letter of the HQ of GFM" Albert Kesselring to "Herr" Müller to show compassion with the loss of Werner.

The letter has been signed by "GFM" Albert Kesselring (RK 30...  read more

Code: 56161

450.00 EUR

Citation/photo grouping - Luftwaffe - 23.Flak Div. - Bach

Citation/photo grouping - Luftwaffe - 23.Flak Div. - Bach

Citation and photo grouping of "Fähnrich" Hans Bach who served within Flak Rgt.13 under command of the 23.Flak Div.

1) Very attractive "Demjanskschild" citation which bears the stamped (always) signature of Graf von Brockdorff-Ahlefeldt

Graf von Brockdorff-Ahlefeldt died in Berlin on 9-5-1943.His signature lived on as a homage to him.

2) EK II citat...  read more

Code: 56149

245.00 EUR