176 items found
Postcard -

Postcard - "Unsere Luftwaffe" - "Fallschirmschule III Braunschweig" - ?

Postcard which has been sent by "Jäger" ? who served at the "Fallschirmschule III Braunschweig"  read more

Code: 54619

35.00 EUR

Postcard -

Postcard - "Unsere Luftwaffe" - "Fallschirmschule I Wittstock" - Ommerle

Postcard which has been sent by Schorsch Ommerle? who served at the Fallschirmschule I Wittstock"  read more

Code: 54617

35.00 EUR

Postcard -

Postcard - "Unsere Luftwaffe" - Stab. Fallsch.Ers.Batl. - Becker

Postcard which has been sent by Fritz Becker who served within Stab. Fallsch.Ers.Batl.1? on 22-11-1941.  read more

Code: 54616

35.00 EUR

Postcard -

Postcard - "Unsere Luftwaffe" - "Fallschirmschule Wittstock" - Mergel

Postcard "Unsere Luftwaffe" which was sent from "Fallschirmschule Wittstock" by "Jäger" Karl Heinz Mergel who attended the paratrooper training.  read more

Code: 54614

85.00 EUR

Wehrpaß Luftwaffe - Nachschubleitstelle der Luftwaffe Bengasi - Africa - Dorfs

Wehrpaß Luftwaffe - Nachschubleitstelle der Luftwaffe Bengasi - Africa - Dorfs

Wehrpaßof "Unteroffizier der Res." Johannes Dorfs who served within several different Luftwaffe related units.

Dorfs served also within Nachschubleitstelle der Luftwaffe in Bengasi (Africa)

Dorfs was awarded the KvK II m.Schw. ,the "Italienische Erinnerungsmedaille" and the "Ärmelband Afrika" (Africa cufftitle) for his efforts in Africa and the Mediteranean.  read more

Code: 54532

275.00 EUR

Citation grouping -  Luftwaffe - Flak Rgt.36/2.Flak Div. - - Heuer

Citation grouping - Luftwaffe - Flak Rgt.36/2.Flak Div. - - Heuer

Citation grouping of "Unteroffizier" Oswald Heuer who served within Flak Rgt.36 (mot.Z.) under command of the 2.Flak Div.

1) "Ostmedaille" citation which has been signed by the commanding officer.

2) "Goldkordel zum Ärmeltätigkeitsabzeichen des Kraftfahrpersonals der Luftwaffe" citation which bears the stamped signature of "Generaloberst" and "Chef der Luftflotte 1...  read more

Code: 54516

485.00 EUR

Citation - Luftwaffe - II Lw.Feldkorps - Neuendorf

Citation - Luftwaffe - II Lw.Feldkorps - Neuendorf

Clearly "worn" KvK II m.Schw. citation of "Sanit"ts Feldwebel" Ulrich Neuendorf who served under command of the II Lw.Feldkorps.

The document has been signed by "General der Flieger" Schlemm (DKiG 25-6-1942 ,RK 11-6-1944)  read more

Code: 54508


Citation grouping -  Luftwaffe - Ln.Betr.Abt.zb.V.(mot.)11 - Allmendinger

Citation grouping - Luftwaffe - Ln.Betr.Abt.zb.V.(mot.)11 - Allmendinger

Citation grouping of "Gefreiten" Karl Allmendinger who served within Ln.Betr.Abt.zb.V.(mot.)11 .

Allmendinger served in this special signal/intelligence unit.

1) KvK II m.Schw. citation which has been signed by "Generaloberst" and commander of Luftflotte 4 Alexander Löhr (RK 30-9-1939,EL 20-1-1945)

Löhr was sentenced to death on 6-4-1947 in Belgrado...  read more

Code: 54496

195.00 EUR

Deathcard -

Deathcard - "Fallschirmjäger" - Italy - Huber

Deathcard of "Obergefreiten" and "Fallschirmjäger" Josef Huber who was killed in Italy on 31-7-1944.

Huber was awarded the EK II ,the "Erdkampfabzeichen der Luftwaffe" ,the "Fallschirmschützenabzeichen" and the wound badge.  read more

Code: 54494

40.00 EUR

Citation - Luftwaffe - II Fliegerkorps - Hillen

Citation - Luftwaffe - II Fliegerkorps - Hillen

KvK II m.Schw. citation of "Oberfeldwebel" Josef Hillen who served wITHIN f.w.a.(mot) Trop.I under command of the II Fliegerkorps.

The document has been signed by "Generalleutnant" Alfred Bülwius (RK 4-7-1940)

Hillens units acted by then (1943) in Italy/Africa!!  read more

Code: 54484

60.00 EUR